Sunday, 2 June 2013

The Island 2

Congratulations on some well written and thought out responses to your last couple of blog posts!! Keep up the good work Year 6

This week we are still exploring the themes in the book 'The Island' by John Heffernan.

Comment on how the author and illustrator work together to create deeper meaning for the reader.

How do the illustrations emphasise the themes and characters in the book?

Remember to answer the questions using examples from the book. Read other students posts and comment, giving reasons for your thoughts. 

Happy Blogging!!!


  1. Melody and Vanessa2 June 2013 at 17:26

    How do the illustrations emphasise the themes and characters in the book?
    The dull colour matches the tribe because their not happy and the bright colours matches the blind urchin because he has happiness even if he is blind he can sense more things then the tribe.

  2. Melody and Vanessa2 June 2013 at 17:39

    adding on to the sentence.
    the more happy the tribe gets the more colour they have

  3. The illustrator is trying to show to the reader how the urchin is felling with the dull and bright colours.

  4. the illustrator uses colorful colors for the urchin as he can feel the beauty of the island without seeing because he is blind. he can feel the beauty of the island by touch, smell, hear, and maybe taste. however the tribe is in dull colors because they cant use their 5 senses to feel the beauty of the island, i believe this is why i believe the illustrator puts dull colors for the tribe.

  5. in the book the island on page 1

    on the bottom ( beach ) there is happiness, you can see that by the colours diffirent colours, but on the top ( town ) everyone is sad, because all the pictures are black and white.
    There was once a hardworking tribe that rarely smiled. It's like there is no life on the town, there is a boring life.

  6. I agree with Brittney because whenever the urchin or the creature is happy then the pictures are bright and when he or the creature is sad then the colours turn dull. The author and illustrator work together to create a deeper meaning for the story by making the book show the feelings of the characters, for example the villagers are very boring they rarely smiled and never laughed so because they show no happy emotion they always have the dull colours.

    How do the illustrations emphasise the themes and characters in the book? The illustrations emphasise on the themes and characters in the book by the colours like when the creature is slowly fading away he turns unhappy and the and the pictures are dull and at the end when the urchin and the creature are both happy the pictures are really bright to emphasise on the emotions they are feeling.

  7. i agree to bernadette.

    The people need someone to give them happiness.
    (page 16-17)
    You can see that the monster has brought happiness to the people, but on the page 20 when they capture the monster ,the monster is changing colour. That means the monster is sad, if the blind boy didn't get the monster out the monster would have died.

  8. the illustrator uses the colors to describe the tribe and the urchin by the colors.
    below the town where the tribe is, colorful and that is where the urchin he has happiness.
    but in the town it has dull colors just like the tribe because they can find happiness and never tried.

    1. i mean cant find happiness

      and when they find happiness they were to selfish to keep the monster because when they kept the monster they didnt notice the monster changing into dull colors as the monster doesnt have happiness anymore

  9. I wonder where did the blind boy and the monster went at the end?


    Did the blind boy die?
    Where did the boy get food from?
    Did they go to another island?

    1. Smeghesad keenan4 June 2013 at 17:30

      CALM DOWN! if you want to know they sailed off and they were happy

  10. why did the people thing about keeping the monster. i know what they thought. but now they lost there happiness for EVER. they made a big MISTAKE.

  11. I know right. I wonder weather he has parents or if they died. If he has parents do they care that he went of with a monster. I agree with Navreet what happened to him. how does he get food?, who does he live with?
    they should make a second one or something.

  12. Smeghead keenan4 June 2013 at 17:28

    I TOTALLY DISAGREE IF THEY MAKE A SECOND I DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!E.g If they made a second one The island 2:One day a monster slid through the waves with a boy.This boy was no ordinary boy he was blind one day he fell of the monster and since he was blind he died the end! I HOPE YOUR HAPPY I MADE THE ISLAND TWO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(i got of topic XDDDDD)anyway The pictures always seem to have a monster in it just some where hidden!the only time that there is a monster thought is when there is COLOUR and the boy is around!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!on the page where it says "he held them up for all to see and take but no-one did"He is HOLDING A MONSTER!!!!!!!!!! but i dont blame him is is blind!

    1. went off track anyway(part two) The top is all rusty and the bottom is all colorfull and awesome

  13. overall, I think that the illustrator and author emphasise the colours because they want us to know that the tribe doesn't laugh or smile. Usually, the meaning of being happy, is colour and emotions, but the tribe is neither, so colours aren't out on them, or there surroundings. But! The boy can sense beauty, he knows his surroundings, as if he actually sees. He may be blind, but he's actually happy with what he has.

  14. Smeghead keenan4 June 2013 at 17:44

    want me to make the island 3 okay The island 3:the boy was in the ocean he could fell the flow of the wave,he could feel it he was about to die! when all the sudden superman came and rescued him"SUPERMAN GET OUT OF THIS STORY"said the blind boy and superman dropped him and said"SORRRY" and left then out of nowhere the Weird creature swam so fast and grabbed him and the blind boy said"Gee thanks wait sec we havent talked in ages i dont think we are supposed to talk"then the weird creature replied with"Dont be silly the Not so colorful talked"The the boy talked back with"Oh yeah its a shame they are Not colorful oh hey im gonna you bob"then bob said"okay wait a sec" he paused then screamed"YOU CANT EVEN SEE!!!!!!!"then he said"oh yeah i actually can!" then bob threw him in the water and left THE END the boom also uses Color down the bottom to show that its fun and no color at the tom since its......BORING!!!!

    1. Sorry that i went off track i just felt the need to make the island 3

    2. Still the same ^^4 June 2013 at 17:47

      P.s not tom TOP!!!!!!!!!

  15. How do the illustrations emphasise the themes and colours in the book? The black and white used for the tribe, emphasises the dull unhappiness in their lives. Also the blind boy/urchin are full of colour as they don't need to see to find happiness, only letting it happen with their other senses, sensing the beauty of the island.


    Below the tribe- who is completely black and white- the boy/ urchin are full of of gracefulness, showing their all their joy, which makes them have colour.

  16. the author and illustrator made the top part to be dull and boring saying that some people don't see the joys of life. But on the bottom part of the island it was colorful and exciting, meaning that people that are people that are blind can still see the joys of life

    1. I agree with Preet because some blind people do see the wonderful colors of the world.Also i would like to add on the dull and boring part of the island, people that can actually see sometime doesn't see the joys of the would, maybe thats why the author and illustrator made this book.Good job Preet keep up the good work. :D

  17. Comment on how the author and illustrator work together to create deeper meaning for the reader.

    How do the illustrations emphasise the themes and characters in the book?
    The blind urchin feels the happiness and the bright colours and how the creature feels now and then. The author and illustrator really thought about the colours and knew how bright the characters joy was on some parts and how dull the characters sadness was on some parts too. The buildings in the village looks like they were coloured with crayons and rubbed out thoroughly with a rubber.

  18. isabella and phoebe5 June 2013 at 17:54

    We think that the illustrator and the author work together to make the pictures connect with the story by using their feelings. Or maybe the author imagined what the pictures would of looked like and did a rough sketch, with the illustrator adding more detail and features. Maybe the author helped the illustrator to colour the pictures instead of letting the illustrator do all the thinking/ drawing. The blind urchin looks like his eyes are always closed, but it looks like he see’s everything. In the village the people didn't smile. if you compare the first page to the last there not smiling , but in the last some are.

  19. The author uses black and white for the tribe to show that they are sad and don't smile either. The author used bright colours to surround the boy which makes him seen happy because bright colours represent happiness. I like how the author does this with the colours because it tell the reader the emotions that the people are feeling.

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