Sunday, 26 May 2013


As a reading group activity we would like you to re read the story Caleb by Gary Crew and respond to the following question.

 Look at this website on Charles Darwin.

List any facts that you think are interesting about Charles Darwin. Perhaps you can connect this information to the story ‘Caleb'.

When blogging you must

1. Include your name (no nicknames).

2. Respond in detail.

3. Answer all elements of the question.

4. When you have finished read other student's posts and provide a constructive comment or question.
  Look at this website on Charles Darwin. List any facts that you think are interesting about Charles Darwin. Perhaps you can connect this information to the story ‘Caleb.

Thursday, 23 May 2013

The Island By John Heffernan

“The Urchin heard the sighs of the sea and listened to the whispers of the breeze. He felt the welcome of the sun as it woke the day, and could smell the scent of a storm.”

What do you notice about how the author describes the Island?

Can you find other examples in the book where the author uses certain types of language to describe something? 

Remember to use the book as a reference and to support your ideas.

Be sure to read other peoples posts and comment by either agreeing and adding to their post or disagreeing and giving reasons why.

Sunday, 19 May 2013

The Big Little Book of Happy Sadness

Identify the themes in this story.

Analyse the pictures in the book. Discuss how they add to the story by comparing and contrasting the illustrations from the beginning of the book to the illustrations at the end of the book.

Remember to read and comment on other peoples posts, giving reasons to support your ideas.

Thursday, 2 May 2013


As a reading group activity we would like you to re read the story Home by Narelle Oliver and respond to the following question.

In this story the author compares built landscapes with the birds natural environments.

Explain what this means and find evidence of this in the story using quotes and page numbers.

How would you interpet the story if it had no pictures? Why?

What do you think the theme of the story "Home" is?

Can you think of any other examples where this theme is evident in our world?

When blogging you must

1. Include your name (no nicknames).

2. Respond in detail.

3. Answer all elements of the question.

4. When you have finished read other student's posts and provide a constructive comment or question.

Happy Blogging!

Snow White in New York

As a reading group activity we would like you to re read the story Memorial and respond to the following question.

What do you find interesting about the illustrations in this story? Why?

What can you compare and contrast between this story and the original Snow White?

When blogging you must

1. Include your name (no nicknames).

2. Respond in detail.

3. Answer all elements of the question.

4. When you have finished read other student's posts and provide a constructive comment or question.

Happy Blogging!

Imagine A Day

As a reading group activity we would like you to re read the story Memorial and respond to the following question.

The last page of the story infers that stories can create imagination when you read them and take you to places you have never been before. 

Which books have you read where this happened?
What was some of the language used that helped you feel this way?

When blogging you must

1. Include your name (no nicknames).

2. Respond in detail.

3. Answer all elements of the question.

4. When you have finished read other student's posts and provide a constructive comment or question.

Happy Blogging!

Memorial week 2

As a reading group activity we would like you to re read the story Memorial and respond to the following question.

What emotions did you feel as you read this book?
 When, during the book did you have these feelings?

When blogging you must

1. Include your name (no nicknames).

2. Respond in detail.

3. Answer all elements of the question.

4. When you have finished read other student's posts and provide a constructive comment or question.

Happy Blogging!

Memorial Week 1

As a reading group activity we would like you to re read the story Memorial and respond to the following question.

How are things remembered in this family? 
How do you remember special things in your family?
What are some things your family remembers?

When blogging you must

1. Include your name (no nicknames).

2. Respond in detail.

3. Answer all elements of the question.

4. When you have finished read other student's posts and provide a constructive comment or question.

Happy Blogging!