Thursday 2 May 2013

Memorial Week 1

As a reading group activity we would like you to re read the story Memorial and respond to the following question.

How are things remembered in this family? 
How do you remember special things in your family?
What are some things your family remembers?

When blogging you must

1. Include your name (no nicknames).

2. Respond in detail.

3. Answer all elements of the question.

4. When you have finished read other student's posts and provide a constructive comment or question.

Happy Blogging!


  1. Family - How do we remember things in our family ? The way we remember thing in our family are picture by that I mean memorise on what happend back in the old times .How do I remember special thing in my family ? I remember thing by trying to compare the old days to the new days .
    Memorial 1- How are things remember in this family ? Things are remember in this family by old thing that are still in the old nebiourhood eg. like the big tree .

  2. In this family things are remembered by the memorial tree.
    My family remembers special things by stories ,video,s and photos .
    When I was born,when I said my first words,walked for the first time ,christmas and more.

  3. i thought the book was very fun and how we were doing it we should do it another time like the book water tower but not same book but same writer i like how we looked at pics first then read it.
    how are things remembered in this family: by trees and other things by remembering then by the objects. how do you remember special things in my family: by seeing them or being told about them. what are some things your family remembers friends getting born and other special things by: Reece Heywood

  4. I thought this book was a bit confusing and fun at the same time

    1) All this thing are remember by the tree that the great great father plant and the stauage it is very.

    2) I remember special things is we video tap this like how we drove to QLD it was a long long drive but we have fun.

    3) Trips to QLD fun vacaties.


  5. FLORENCE LOAU !YAY!7 May 2013 at 17:51

    1:By the tree and the statue.
    2:By sometimes look at the videos and some photos that we have.
    3:Well my family remembers when I was a baby and my mum said that I LOOK LIKE A BOY!!!!!!!!!!!. Also when I and my family want to bowling and my sister Ann help me bowl.When I let go of the bowling ball it drag my sister Ann. that was funny.HA HA HA HA !!!!!

  6. And the reason why i like this book because it fun and exiting confusing how there are three people telling the story the great great father telling the, great grandfather telling his son, father and now telling his son two bass it down

    Kiara king
